Benefits of increased resolution on the North Atlantic Ocean dynamics
Fondazione Cmcc – Centro euro‐mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici

Tuesday 28 September 2021 h. 12:30-13:30
The lack of representation of sub-grid scale variability and the uncertainty in model parameters suggest that the parameterisation process is a large source of error in climate simulations. One possible approach is to increasing global model resolution in order to resolve or better represent processes explicitly, such as ocean eddies or atmospheric convection.
Climate model integrations performed within HighRes Mip provides the opportunity to assess the benefits of unprecedented increases in resolution in the ocean-sea ice and atmosphere on the European climate change.
In particular, we present results from a multi-resolution ensemble of coupled climate models to evaluate the simulation of fundamental processes that affect the North Atlantic/Arctic region. We investigate selected results for the North Atlantic ocean dynamics likely to be influenced by the ocean resolution (from non-eddy to eddy-permitting, including also eddy-rich regimes), such as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, deep water formation, gyre circulation, and ocean biases. Emphasis will also be placed on the effect of an improved representation of the North Atlantic ocean circulation on Arctic sea ice conditions.
Speaker: Dorotea Iovino, Euro-Mediterranean center on climate change Foundation – Oda Division
Moderator: Enrico Scoccimarro, Euro-Mediterranean center on climate change Foundation – Csp Division
The webinar will be broadcasted via Zoom. Register here: